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How to Maintain Your Modular Kitchen in these Easy Ways: Useful Insights by a Modular Kitchen Company

When it comes to performance and looks, modern modular kitchens deliver on both. Available in various looks and colours, they make the kitchen look elegant and sophisticated. With efficient storage and layout options, every nook and corner of the space is optimally used. Modular kitchens definitely make your work a whole lot easier, but it’s important to maintain them properly. As a modular kitchen company, we share with you some useful tips to maintain your modular kitchen:

  1. Don’t place hot and cold vessels on the kitchen countertop: To prolong the life of kitchen countertops, make it a point not to put anything too hot or too cold on them. Always use thick trivets. Although kitchen countertops are made using durable materials such as granite, marble or steel, it is advisable not to expose them to extreme temperatures – as it can lead to discolouration or other damage.
  2. Pull out drawers gently: Drawers that have a roller mechanism should be gently pulled. Using too much force can put strain on the hinges which may wear out earlier than they should.
  3. Open cabinet doors gently and fully: When it comes to cabinet doors, you should open them gently, fully and shut them afterwards. The reason being when doors are left open halfway, they may bang against another cabinet or accessory. This can lead to scratches and sometimes even dents.
  4. Use cabinets for what they are meant for: Cabinets and drawers are meant for storing utensils and cookware. Small accessories should be placed in the upper drawers while large and heavy-bottomed cookware is placed in the bottom drawers. In the pantry, store dry food items. The food storage space should be cleaned regularly to keep insects and mould at bay. It should be kept open for some time so that moisture doesn’t build up.
  5. Do not overstuff cabinets and drawers: Every cabinet and drawer can take only a limited amount of weight. It is a good idea to ask your contractor how much weight your cabinets and drawers can withstand. Overstuffing cabinets and drawers can cause them to sag or damage the hinges, running the alignment.
  6. Clean corners regularly: Modular kitchen cabinets are fitted with sliding mechanisms. Remove all the dirt that gets accumulated and make sure that they are regularly cleaned. Ask your kitchen contractor if there’s any grease oil that you can use to oil the parts so that they work smoothly.
  7. Clean as you go: When it comes to prolonging the life of your modular kitchen, make sure that you have an efficient cleaning routine. Spills and splatters must be cleaned daily. Countertops, sinks and stove areas must be cleaned daily. Schedule deep cleaning at least once a month.

Looking for the best modular kitchen company in Kolkata?

We are a modular kitchen company in Kolkata. Our kitchen designers can help you choose the right kitchen layout and design for your kitchen. Our modular kitchen units come with a water and oil repellent surface coat, making them low maintenance. The smart enclosure of the modules keeps roaches and rodents at bay. For your dream kitchen, generate a quote.

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