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Affordable tiny kitchen interior design mistakes to avoid

Tiny kitchens are an ideal choice for those who don’t need a lot of space for meal preparation and cooking. By implementing clever storage solutions and making the most of the available space, it’s possible to accommodate all the essential items in such compact kitchens. Despite these advantages, there are several pitfalls to avoid when setting up an affordable tiny kitchen. Here, we share some of the common mistakes regarding the interiors of tiny kitchens:

Mistake: Not utilising vertical space

Tiny kitchens often lack ample horizontal storage space, making it crucial to maximise vertical space. Consider building shelves that extend from the floor to the ceiling to create additional storage areas. It’s also important to explore alternative storage solutions for kitchen essentials such as pots, pans, and knives. For example, installing a magnetic knife strip can be an effective way to keep all your knives organised and safely stored in one place.</
Mistake: Relying solely on overhead lighting</strong

Tiny kitchens need more lights because of the close walls and limited space. So, installing only overhead lights may not be sufficient. Instead, you should try to layer the lighting for better visibility. You can install lights under the cabinets. Also, LED strip lights can ensure sufficient lighting in the work areas of the kitchen.

Mistake: Overcrowding the space with large pieces of furniture

In a limited space, it’s important to avoid filling the area with large furniture pieces. Cluttering the kitchen with oversized furniture can hinder movement and increase the risk of accidents and injuries. Moreover, bulky furniture can significantly reduce the functionality of a tiny kitchen. Therefore, choosing furniture wisely is essential. Opt for space-saving options such as stackable stools, which serve their purpose but can also be conveniently tucked away when not in use.

Mistake: Neglecting aesthetics

While functionality is crucial in a tiny kitchen, it shouldn’t be your only focus. Limited space doesn’t mean sacrificing style. To create a visually appealing kitchen, it’s important to add character to the space. This can be achieved through thoughtful choices in colour schemes or by installing unique cabinet knobs. Balancing both functionality and aesthetics is key to designing a small yet stylish kitchen.

Mistake: Cluttered countertop

In a kitchen with limited space, maintaining an uncluttered countertop is essential. Regularly take time to clear the countertop, ensuring it remains as free from clutter as possible. Spices or utensils left on the counter should be promptly kept back to drawers or designated storage areas. A tidy kitchen not only appears more spacious but also enhances its overall functionality.

Looking for affordable tiny kitchen interior design ideas?

Explore our tiny kitchen designs. We use high-quality steel and our kitchen designs can incorporate various themes and colours. Our tiny kitchens help you keep the space organised and free from clutter. Our designs incorporate enclosed spaces, which can limit cockroaches in your kitchen, keeping it cleaner and hygienic. If you want to find out more, contact us for details and to get a quote.

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